How to reconcile growth and CSR challenges?

New episode of our podcast dedicated to the Enterprise of Tomorrow. A few days ago, we welcomed Geneviève Féronea pioneer of CSR issues in France, and Luc AubinSenior Manager at iQo, to talk about mission-driven enterprise, positive impact, raison d'être and corporate governance.

Who is Geneviève Ferone?

Geneviève Ferone is a key figure in France when it comes to CSR.

  • Expert in extra-financial rating and assessment
  • Founder of ARESE, France's first extra-financial rating agency, in 1997.
  • Specialist in CSR and sustainable development (formerly director of sustainable development at Eiffage and Véolia Environnement)
  • Co-founder of Prophil, a strategy consulting firm dedicated to accelerating companies' contribution to the common good

Corporate governance and mission-driven companies

Listen to our previous podcasts